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Nightingale Primary School


All pupils in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 learn French at Nightingale.  Each lesson is taught by a French language specialist.  

The focus of the lessons is practical communication. The main aim is therefore to develop listening and speaking skills, enabling the children to make substantial progress and to build their confidence in speaking a foreign language.

In order to explore the patterns and sounds of the language, pupils are introduced to stories, songs and poems in French, including those from a range of Francophone countries around the world. Elements of the history and geography of French-speaking countries are also incorporated into the language learning process to enhance the learning experience.

Lessons also include an appropriate amount of writing, ranging from simple vocabulary and phrases in Years  2 and 3, to more complex sentences in Years 4-6. Pupils learn grammatical structures necessary to develop their language learning skills and support the study of languages in Key Stage 3